Working To Secure The Long Term Future Of Bognor Regis Pier

About us

What are the aims of the Trust?

The aim of the Bognor Pier Trust is to prevent any further loss or damage to the Pier’s structure and eventually restore it to what it was, an asset and attraction for the town.

The Trustees

Paul Wells (Chairman)

Local business owner of Work and Wear and Promotions shop. Author of several Bognor Regis Pier books, currently writing another. BPT Director since December 2014. ADC and Bognor Regis Town Councillor. Lived in Bognor Regis since 1973.

Jim Brooks

Managing Director of Electronics Display Company. ADC and Bognor Regis Town Councillor. Has lived in Bognor Regis since 1985.

Marvyn Turrell

Chairman of Amberley Museum, previously Vice Chair of an NHS Trust, Director of a large Theatre group, Director of the Prince’s Trust. BPT Director since December 2014. Lived in Bognor Regis since 2007.

Ken Blamires

Recently retired Planning Executive of a multinational company with 35 years of Corporate planning, reporting and business development experience. Has lived in Bognor Regis since 2008.


Bognor Pier Trust C.I.C.

8 Bereweeke Road


Bognor Regis

West Sussex PO22 7EQ

Telephone: 07702 094 853

Registration Company Number 08641411

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